Monday, 1 July 2013

Guide To Easy Weight Loss: Diet Step 3

By Tahir Mahmood

Welcome back, we are now on week 3 and you should be feeling the effects from the water, fruit and vegetable intake, more importantly you should be seeing results and losing weight by now. Also, you should have a load of calories that you have cut out of your diet in the last 2 weeks written down in your weight loss journal, if you haven't please do it as soon as possible as it will help you later on once we move on the "maintaining your perfect weight and diet".

Over the last 2 weeks you have made 2 vital changes to your diet and with last weeks dietary change you have been filling your body with small bursts of energy; the time has come to make use of all that energy and really start losing weight. So lets move on to weight loss diet tip 3:

Weight loss diet tip 3: Boost physical fitness

This is by far the most vital part of losing weight and the fact is that if you do not follow through on a regular basis, you will not meet your weight loss goal/goals. Most people lose the fight when it comes to fitness even before they begin, this is due to their psychology. When people think of the word fitness, they immediately think of the pain associated to exercise. 

How can YOU avoid negativity when trying to raise fitness levels for weight loss?

I advise you to first compile a list of pros and cons and on this list write down all the reasons why you have not followed through in the past in terms of fitness and exercise ( example: too hard, not enough time, too tiring, mentally drained, I'LL DO IT TOMORROW etc). 

Secondly, write down all the benefits you will get from following through and all the pleasure you will get ( example: will meet weight loss goals, will begin losing weight quicker, will raise fitness levels on a daily basis, will prove to myself and others that i have what it takes to follow through, everyday i empower my mind and body etc). Once you have compiled your list, consistently focus on the pleasures associated to exercise and fitness rather than the pain.

Next, write down all the things that you will miss out on if you do not follow through (example: i will never be successful losing weight, i will possibly gain more weight, i will miss out on having the perfect body, i will never be able to go for the perfect partner because of the way i look, i will never be happy with the way i look, my diet will possibly get worse etc).

I want you to really think when doing this, the more time you spend on it, the more chances you have with your goals in losing weight, maintaining your diet, keeping fitness levels up and in whatever weight loss goals you have.

Lastly, i advise you to use something called role modelling when trying to overcome negativity, when it comes to losing weight this is VERY effective. Pick somebody that you want to look like, if its somebody you know personally simply ask them how they achieved their weight loss, dietary or fitness goals, then simply replicate them. (It can be somebody you know or a celebrity whatever suits you)

If you have done this properly, you should be empowered and ready to accomplish your weight loss, diet and fitness goals. 

How To Introduce Weight Loss, Fitness and Dietary Goals Into Your Daily To Achieve Losing Weight???

The keyword here is prioritize, what i want you to do is make a to do list on a daily basis for this particular plan write "Physical Development" and write all the things you need to do in terms of weight loss through the day ( examples you already have: water intake, 5 fruits and exercise), and tick them off throughout the day whenever is convenient for you. I personally guarantee that once this becomes routine you will be well on your way. Remember tiny changes equal large results, every time you tick off something in your to do list in your weight loss journal you move one step closer to your goals in weight loss, diet and fitness; and the act that it is a daily process losing weight will become inevitable.

How Exercise Helps Weight Loss And Fitness?

Losing weight and increasing fitness comes down to basic arithmetic: You have to burn more calories daily to start losing weight and you also have to burn more calories than you consume, that means you have to change your diet (which you have been doing with weight loss diet tip 1 and 2). Daily exercise is key because is burns away calories.

  • Benefits Of Exercise.
  • Increases your energy level (crucial for losing weight).
  • Improves your mood.
  • Relieves depression.
  • Improves sex life.
  • Makes food taste better (crucial for your diet).
  • Helps combat chronic disease.

Follow weight loss diet tip 3 again for 1 week before moving on and remember it is important to write down your lists before starting anything. Your list of pros and cons will help to motivate you to follow through on of your weight loss, diet and fitness goals; and your daily to do list will keep you taking consistent action on a daily basis. 

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