Monday 1 July 2013

Guide To Easy Weight Loss: Diet Step 2

By Tahir Mahmood

I am hoping that after 7 days of successfully maintaining diet tip 1 and feel like your one step closer to losing weight. Before the next step to losing weight i would like to give you a quick example of how many calories you have excluded from your diet over the last 7 days.

Lets use a popular everyday high calorie beverage like a Starbucks Chocolate Mocha Frappuchino as an example, this amounts to a total of 410 calories, so if you where to have one of these everyday it would amount to a staggering 2870 calories per week, that's 11480 calories per month; no wonder some people find losing weight so difficult.

So congratulations again, it has probably been a hard week, but cutting out roughly 2870 calories is overall a large step in you losing weight. You should also feel more energetic due to your current water intake, so keep up the good work. I hope that with this one diet tip you can see just how powerful tiny steps can be when it comes to losing weight; so keep it up and before we move on to diet tip 2 i would like to advise you to keep noting these vital breakthroughs in your weight loss journal (if you haven't got one just yet, get one right away)

Diet tip 2: Think about what else you can add to your diet and not things you can exclude

So do not exclude anything from your current diet, instead i would like you to add 5-9 servings of fruit and veg and on a daily basis. It probably sounds like a lot but you will be astonished at how much leverage adding this to your daily diet will give you when it comes to losing weight.

When consuming 5-7 pieces of fruit and veg on a daily basis, as well as meeting your fiber goals, your body becomes more satisfied from the volume of food you are consuming. This means that over time, your chances of overeating reduce drastically, more importantly it reduces naturally which makes it easier for you to meet your weight loss goals; because your not having to starve yourself!

Fruit assists many people in losing weight which makes it another essential tool for any weight loss program. Fruit is low in Sodium so it helps reduce chances of gaining water weight. It doesn't only help  you with weight loss, but can also help maintain a healthy weight once you have reached your desired goal. 

Providing you are eating about one-third the diet as fruit and veg, you will begin to see immense weight loss results, because large fruit consumption helps fill the stomach more rapidly, it will encourage less high calorie foods to be consumed. There are many fruits available which are low calorie wise and can be eaten freely thereby maintaining control of weight loss. 

So again you wont have to starve yourself; which is one of the largest obstacles when losing weight for most people. Lets look at some of the benefits of introducing 5-7 fruits and vegetables into your diet for weight loss:

Benefits of fruit consumption

  • Potential for weight loss and weight management
  • Increases energy levels for exercise (essential for losing weight)  
  • lowers blood pressure
  • Lowers risk of cancers
  • Lowers risk of developing diabetes 
  • Lowers risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • Slows down aging process

So try adding as much fruit into your weight loss diet as possible, you will find that it will make losing weight a whole lot easier. Again like Weight loss tip 1, i advise you to do this over the next 7 days before adding weight loss tip 3 into your weight loss tool box. By combining weight loss tip 1 and 2 over a week you will most definitely feel the difference but more importantly you WILL be losing weight and fast. (From this point regularly keep not of your weight and please log all breakthroughs in your weight loss journal). 

Best of Luck!

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