Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Problems Caused By Being Overweight: Overview
There are various reasons why people are overweight. These include genetics (suggested by studies of twins), overeating, stopping smoking, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, a change in life-style, more energy intake than energy expenditure (taking into account resting metabolic expenditure), environmental factors, salt/potassium retention, hidden food allergies, major depression/anxiety/other psychological, medical illness, medications, during and after pregnancy, cultural (perceptions on obesity), and socioeconomic factors.
Obesity, as defined by the Institute of Medicine, is "an important chronic degenerative disease that debilitates individuals and kills prematurely." It continues to contribute to hundreds of thousands of deaths in the U.S. every year.
Causes and Development
Set Point Theory. Obesity is not strictly the product of sloth and gluttony. Everybody has a weight that their body can defend and most people know what that weight is. You lose a little weight, but tend to bounce back to your original weight again and again. That weight is called the "set point". Although weight is influenced by what and how much one eats, and by such things as exercise, ordinarily it will revert to its most comfortable level.
One thing that is not well-recognized is the fact that weight loss itself is not a particularly difficult problem. If a human being is put on an 800 or 1000 calorie diet, they lose weight. There do not appear to be a large number of people who have undesirable responses to a 1000 calorie diet that prevents them from losing weight: the few claims that have been investigated have not held up to scrutiny. In other words, there are no people who are totally resistant to weight loss. However, the vast majority of humans are very resistant to the maintenance of a body weight below whatever their set point is.
A person's set point is the approximate weight and fat percentage that their body settles into during adulthood. Body fat is actually regulated by the brain's weight regulating mechanism in the hypothalamus. This mechanism chooses the amount of body fat it considers ideal for the body's needs and then works tirelessly to maintain that level.
The regulating mechanism controls body weight in two critically important ways. First, it has a profound effect of the amount of food you eat. It is responsible for dramatically increasing or decreasing appetite to maintain the set point weight. As you lose weight, it signals hunger; as you gain weight, it reduces appetite. Second, the regulating mechanism can trigger the body's systems to waste excess energy if you overeat or conserve energy if you don't eat enough. Energy conservation may lead to muscle loss and a slow down of the endocrine system due to the body's attempts to protect its fat stores for use in the future. In addition, less muscle mass means the body requires still fewer calories.
An individual's set point is genetically determined. There are those who are able to eat anything and everything they desire and still maintain a low body fat percentage, but others who continually struggle with their genetic set point and constantly diet and exercise to lose weight. Often this weight loss is a loss of both muscle and fat tissue. Once they stop dieting, those who have battled fat loss incorrectly or are simply unable to maintain the proper lifestyle will inevitably return to their original body composition or gain additional body fat. The subsequent weight gain consists primarily of fat tissue.
If you go to a doctor and say that you need to lose weight, the doctor is not likely to tell you that are at your set point, so there is not need to treat you. That thought usually has nothing to do with how people are treated. The diet industry also is not based primarily on medical complications, but cosmetics and profit.
Molecular biologists first identified leptin in 1994. Since then, the fat hormone has been the subject of intense speculation among scientists. Leptin has prompted research into eating disorders, obesity and diabetes. The obesity hormone leptin appears to reduce cravings for sweet foods by targeting taste receptors on the tongue. Therefore, it is possible that a lack of leptin, or the body's failure to respond to the hormone due to defects in leptin receptors (leptin resistance), may contribute to the so-called sweet tooth that affects so many.
Leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells, is involved in weight regulation. It is thought that the hormone signals the brain when fat cells are full, but exactly how the hormone controls weight is not entirely clear. Animals and humans without leptin, or with defective leptin receptors, become obese. As one becomes fatter, the body makes more leptin and the likelihood of leptin resistance increases [NEJM, February 1, 1996;334: pp.292-5]. Men whose bodies produce more insulin also tend to have increased leptin levels.
Exercise decreases the amount of leptin in the blood of both overweight and normal weight individuals. Recent research shows that only 3 hours of exercise per week lowers leptin levels by about 10%. Exercise can lower the levels of leptin no matter how fat a person is. Lowering leptin levels reduces the risk of leptin resistance seen in obesity; raising leptin levels does not appear to be an effective weight loss mechanism in humans. However, trials have shown that large supplemental doses of leptin can result in some weight loss in obese individuals.
In short, leptin levels should be kept within the normal range: low levels can result in food cravings and higher levels tend to suppress appetite but are also associated with tissues becoming less sensitive to the hormone and contributing to craving and more weight gain. Exercise can lower leptin levels, but caution must be taken in some individuals that levels do not go too low. Researchers have long been busy searching for the key to safely control a person's weight. It remains to be seen if they will ever be successful.
Signs and Symptoms
Fatigue (especially after exertion), shortness of breath, decreased energy, palpitations, irregular heart beat, edema (especially swelling of the feet and legs), sleep apnea (Pickwickian syndrome) and respiratory obstruction (for obesity to cause sleep apnea and respiratory obstruction it must be severe).
Physical signs and risks of being overweight
Hypertension, coronary heart disease, predisposition to diabetes, hyperlipidemia (increased cholesterol level), metabolic abnormalities, increased risk for gallbladder disease, gout, some types of cancer, and development of osteoarthritis of the weight-bearing joints.
Treatment and Prevention
One way to rationalize the treatment of obesity is to treat only individuals who have medical causes and complications. Treat the individual who has hypothyroidism, hyperlipidemia, gall bladder disease, or type II diabetes, to the point where the cause and risks are reduced. Don't treat the obesity itself - treat the cause or the body fat content until you relieve the metabolic consequences. It turns out that just a 10% body fat reduction can produce increases in insulin sensitivity and blood pressure reduction.
The relationship of weight to blood pressure. Being overweight is a significant risk factor for the development of hypertension. The prevalence of hypertension in the U.S. is greatly increased by the fact that one quarter to one half of all adults (results differ by study) are overweight. Although the association between higher body fat and blood pressure has been recognized for years, recent studies have discovered a 50-300% higher incidence of hypertension among adults who consider themselves overweight compared to those classified as normal weight. Similar findings are revealed from studies involving children and young adults, in which the connection between weight and blood pressure has been observed to be very strong.
Two proposed mechanisms underlying this correlation are the stimulation of sodium retention and increased catecholamine release, which are results of increased sodium sensitivity and hyperinsulinemia. Age, gender, and race are also part of the equation and so should be considered when studying preventive interventions. Hypertension and obesity treatment are necessary to avoid potential morbidity and mortality from coronary heart disease or stroke.
What Are the Risks to Your Health of Being Overweight?
If you are overweight, you are more likely to develop health problems, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, certain types of cancer, gout (joint pain caused by excess uric acid), and gallbladder disease. Being overweight can also cause problems such as sleep apnea (interrupted breathing during sleep) and osteoarthritis (wearing away of the joints). The more overweight you are, the more likely you are to have health problems. Weight loss can help improve the harmful effects of being overweight. However, many overweight people have difficulty reaching their healthy body weight. Studies show that you can improve your health by losing as little as 10 to 20 pounds.
Are You Overweight? Use the weight-for-height chart below to see if you are overweight. Find your height in the left-hand column and move across the row to find your weight. If your weight falls within the moderate to severe overweight range on the chart, you are more likely to have health problems. Weights above the healthy weight range are less healthy for most people.
If you are a woman and your waist measures more than 35 inches, or if you are a man and your waist measures more than 40 inches, you are more likely to develop heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and certain cancers. You may want to talk to your doctor or other health professional about the health risks of your weight.
What Are the Risks to Your Health of Being Overweight? Heart Disease and Stroke
Heart disease and stroke are the leading causes of death and disability for both men and women in the United States. Overweight people are more likely to have high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, than people who are not overweight. Very high blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides (blood fats) can also lead to heart disease and often are linked to being overweight. Being overweight also contributes to angina (chest pain caused by decreased oxygen to the heart) and sudden death from heart disease or stroke without any signs or symptoms.
The good news is that losing a small amount of weight can reduce your chances of developing heart disease or a stroke. Reducing your weight by 10 percent can decrease your chance of developing heart disease by improving how your heart works, blood pressure, and levels of blood cholesterol and triglycerides.
Noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 2 diabetes) is the most common type of diabetes in the United States. Type 2 diabetes reduces your body's ability to control your blood sugar. It is a major cause of early death, heart disease, kidney disease, stroke, and blindness. Overweight people are twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes as people who are not overweight. You can reduce your risk of developing this type of diabetes by losing weight and by increasing your physical activity.
If you have type 2 diabetes, losing weight and becoming more physically active can help control your blood sugar levels. If you use medicine to control your blood sugar, weight loss and physical activity may make it possible for your doctor to decrease the amount of medication you need.
Several types of cancer are associated with being overweight. In women, these include cancer of the uterus, gallbladder, cervix, ovary, breast, and colon. Overweight men are at greater risk for developing cancer of the colon, rectum, and prostate. For some types of cancer, such as colon or breast, it is not clear whether the increased risk is due to the extra weight or to a high-fat and high-calorie diet.
Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a serious condition that is closely associated with being overweight. Sleep apnea can cause a person to stop breathing for short periods during sleep and to snore heavily. Sleep apnea may cause daytime sleepiness and even heart failure. The risk for sleep apnea increases with higher body weights. Weight loss usually improves sleep apnea.
Osteoarthritis is a common joint disorder that most often affects the joints in your knees, hips, and lower back. Extra weight appears to increase the risk of osteoarthritis by placing extra pressure on these joints and wearing away the cartilage (tissue that cushions the joints) that normally protects them. Weight loss can decrease stress on the knees, hips, and lower back and may improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis.
Gout is a joint disease caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood. Uric acid sometimes forms into solid stone or crystal masses that become deposited in the joints. Gout is more common in overweight people and the risk of developing the disorder increases with higher body weights.
Note: Over the short term, some diets may lead to an attack of gout in people who have high levels of uric acid or who have had gout before. If you have a history of gout, check with your doctor or other health professional before trying to lose weight.
Gallbladder Disease
Gallbladder disease and gallstones are more common if you are overweight. Your risk of disease increases as your weight increases. It is not clear how being overweight may cause gallbladder disease.
Weight loss itself, particularly rapid weight loss or loss of a large amount of weight, can actually increase your chances of developing gallstones. Modest, slow weight loss of about 1 pound a week is less likely to cause gallstones.
How You Can Lower Your Health Risks If you are overweight, losing as little as 5 to 10 percent of your body weight may improve many of the problems linked to being overweight, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds and are considered overweight on the weight-for-height chart, you would need to lose 10 to 20 pounds. Even a small weight loss can improve your health.
Slow and steady weight loss of no more than 1 pound per week is the safest way to lose weight. Very rapid weight loss can cause you to lose muscle rather than fat. It also increases your chances of developing other problems, such as gallstones, gout, and nutrient deficiencies. Making long-term changes in your eating and physical activity habits is the best way to lose weight and keep it off over time.
Eat Better: Whether you are trying to lose weight or maintain your weight, you should take a look at your eating habits and try to improve them. Try to eat a variety of foods, especially pasta, rice, bread, and other whole-grain foods. You should also eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. These foods will fill you up and are lower in calories than foods full of oils or fats. For more information on healthy eating, see the Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans booklet that is available from the Weight-control Information Network (WIN).
Increase Physical Activity: Making physical activity a part of your daily life is an important way to help control your weight and lower your risk for health problems. Spend less time in activities that use little energy like watching television and playing video games and more time in physical activities. Try to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day on most days of the week. The activity does not have to be done all at once. It can be done in short spurts--10 minutes here, 20 minutes there--as long as it adds up to 30 minutes a day. Simple ways to become more physically active include walking to the store or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. See WIN's fact sheet Physical Activity and Weight Control for more information.
If you are not overweight but health problems related to being overweight run in your family, it is important that you try to keep your weight steady. If you have family members with weight-related health problems, you are more likely to develop them yourself. If you are not sure of your risk of developing a weight-related health problem, you should talk to your health care provider.
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Best Green Tea Weight Loss
The majority of people who wish to lose weight haven't discovered the best green tea for weight loss. Lots of people are however aware of the wide consumption of tea in Asia in countries like China. This is the reason why the green tea that originates from China is always sought after from people who are aware of its benefits. One of the benefits of taking this drink, unknowingly to many, is it results in weight loss. Therefore it implies that people who manage to consume this drink frequently will probably resolve their weight issues by natural means.
As it pertains to weight loss, there are 2 popular approaches that many people use. First of all, you can choose to decrease the quantity of calories you consume. As an alternative, you can opt to discover ways to enhance the consumption of calories in your body. People who choose tea do so due to the way it increases our body's consumption of calories. This is accomplished by exciting the nervous system which therefore transforms fat into energy for us to use.
Slimming naturally
It therefore signifies that the individuals who use the best green tea for weight loss are utilizing an all natural method that actually works wonders in lowering excess weight. So, exactly how does green tea achieve this feat? Firstly, it features abundant amounts of antioxidants. These are utilized for enhancing the body's metabolic rate - this leads to fat loss in the act.
Transforming fat to energy
You need to keep in mind that there's a certain substance in food which performs the act of transforming fat into energy. When this substance is in considerable amounts, some fat isn't converted and then it will give rise to weight increase. By consuming the green tea, the substance in question is completely transformed into energy meaning that you will not need to deal with this fat afterwards.
Faster fat burning
Green tea helps the body burn off fat much more quickly than it usually would. It achieves this by accelerating the whole process of this fat breakdown which is chemically known as thermogenesis. Because of the rise in one's body energy, you'll be able to take part in strenuous activities more readily and with more stamina.
Types of green tea
In utilizing the best green tea weight loss, there are a number of modes you could choose. These normally include using extracts manufactured from green tea, chewing gum, and a number of health supplements. The suggested way however, is to consume 3 or 4 cups a day of green tea. You are free to increase the rate of consumption based on how comfortable you are. Aside from the yummy prospect of slimming down, you'll also be more lively because of the boost in energy.
It has to be said that utilizing the best green tea for weight loss isn't a miracle cure for weight problems. One ought to be patient with the results because they will take place steadily over a particular period. Other health benefits however, such as experiencing more energy will happen soon after you regularly drink this beverage.
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Green Tea helps you burn fat faster because…
Green Tea helps you burn fat faster because…
- Green Tea increases your metabolism making you burn more fat and it's a mild appetite suppressant that makes you eat less so weight loss becomes a natural process with green tea.
- Green Tea is a diuretic that removes excess water weight from your body that makes you look bloated.
- Dr. Nicholas Perricone told Oprah Winfrey she could lose 10 lbs. in 4-to-6 weeks drinking green tea instead of coffee.
- The catechins in Green Tea forces your body into thermogenesis - this is where your body burns fat for energy.
- Green Tea causes carbohydrates to be released slowly, preventing rises in blood sugar levels and this causes your body to burn fat.
- Green Tea prevents you from gaining weight by stopping the movement of sugar into your fat cells. Evidence shows that drinking green tea is related to reductions in body fat.
- In a test where 10 men were given Green Tea, caffeine, or a placebo with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The men who took green tea burned more fat than the placebo and caffeine groups.
- Research shows you can burn 35-to-43% more fat during the day when you drink 3-to-5 cups of Green Tea.
- The International Journal of Obesity states that Green Tea contains polyphenols which causes your body to produce heat that burns off your body fat.
- The University of Chicago's Tang Center for Herbal Medical Research shows Green Tea reduces the fat deposits under your skin and the fat in your belly area.
- Studies show that when you drink Green Tea every day for 3 months you'll lose more body fat than those who drink regular tea.
- Lots of Green Tea weight loss studies prove green tea lowers blood sugar. A lower blood sugar reduces your cravings making you not eat as much so you won't gain any weight.
- Several studies on obesity have concluded that people who've been drinking Green Tea for more than 10 years showed lower body fat percentages compared with those who don't drink green tea regularly. That's a proven fact!
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Green Tea Fights Fat
Green Tea: Fat Fighter?
Black tea, oolong tea, and green tea come from the same Camellia sinensis plant. But unlike the other two varieties, green tea leaves are not fermented before steaming and drying.
Most teas contain large amounts of polyphenols, which are plant-based substances that have been shown to have antioxidant, anticancer, and antiviral properties.
However, green tea is particularly rich in a type of polyphenols called catechins. These substances have also been shown to have anti-inflammatory and anticancer properties, but recent research in animals show that catechins may also affect body fat accumulation and cholesterol levels.
In this study, researchers looked at the effects of catechins on body fat reduction and weight loss in a group of 35 Japanese men. The men had similar weights based on theirBMI (body mass index, an indicator of body fat) and waist sizes.
The men were divided into two groups. For three months, the first group drank a bottle of oolong tea fortified with green tea extract containing 690 milligrams of catechins, and the other group drank a bottle of oolong tea with 22 milligrams of catechins.
During this time, the men ate identical breakfasts and dinners and were instructed to control their calorie and fat intake at all times so that overall total diets were similar.
After three months, the study showed that the men who drank the green tea extract lost more weight (5.3 pounds vs. 2.9 pounds) and experienced a significantly greater decrease in BMI, waist size, and total body fat.
In addition, LDL "bad" cholesterol went down in the men who drank the green tea extract.
The catechin content varies by amount of green tea used and steeping time. But general recommendations, based on previous studies on the benefits of green tea, are at least 4 cups a day. Green tea extract supplements are also available.
Researchers say the results indicate that catechins in green tea not only help burn calories and lower LDL cholesterol but may also be able to mildly reduce body fat.
"These results suggest that catechins contribute to the prevention of and improvement in various lifestyle-related diseases, particularly obesity," write researcher Tomonori Nagao of Health Care Products Research Laboratories in Tokyo, and colleagues.
5 Different Types of Yoga – Which One Suits You the Best?
5 Different Types of Yoga – Which One Suits You the Best?June 9, 2012 by DailyCupofYoga 39 Comments[Editor's note: This is a guest post by Chiara Fucarino who blogs at Yoga-Paws]
Ah, yoga. What’s not to like about stretching your muscles, sprawling out on a comfortable mat, and losing yourself in tranquility? Not only does practicing yoga tone your body and refresh your mind, it also improves your immune system, helps lower your stress level, and provides so many more health benefits. Yoga has been around for more than 5,000 years, and we’re still fine-tuning the practice. Today, aside from having a yoga studio around every corner, we have many different styles of yoga. Even though they’re all based on the same poses, each style has a particular focus. For example, one style has a purpose to improve flexibility, while another style primarily strengthens your core.With many different types of yoga being practiced today, it may be difficult for you to figure out which style benefits your mind and body the most. It’s important for you to find out which type of yoga meets your needs, so here’s a quick explanation of five of the most common yoga styles practiced everywhere.
Hatha originated in India in the 15th century. This type of yoga is slow-paced, gentle, and focused on breathing and meditation.
Purpose: To introduce beginners to yoga with basic poses and relaxation techniques
Benefits: Relieves stress, provides physical exercise, and improves breathing
Good for: Beginners and people wanting to learn the basics of yoga
Much like Hatha, Vinyasa covers basic poses and breath-synchronized movement. This variety of Hatha yoga emphasizes on the Sun Salutation, a series of 12 poses where movement is matched to the breath.
Purpose: To link the breath with movement and to build lean muscle mass throughout the body
Benefits: Helps improve strength and flexibility, tones the abdominal muscles, and reduces the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes
Good for: Beginners and advanced yogis alike seeking to strengthen their bodies
Ashtanga yoga metaphorically focuses on eight limbs. Considered a form of power yoga, Ashtanga is fast-paced and intense with lunges and push-ups.
Purpose: To help improve one’s spiritual self
Benefits: Relieves stress, improves coordination, and helps with weight loss
Good for: Fit people looking to maintain strength and stamina, and those who want to get in touch with their spiritual side
Iyengar covers all eight aspects of Ashtanga yoga and focuses on bodily alignment. Different props like straps, blankets, and blocks are used to assist in strengthening the body. Standing poses are emphasized, and are often held for long periods of time.
Purpose: To strengthen and bring the body into alignment
Benefits: Helps improve balance, speeds up recovery from an injury, and builds up body strength
Good for: Beginners who want to learn the correct alignments in each pose and those with injuries, balance issues, and chronic medical conditions like arthritis
Also known as hot yoga, Bikram is practiced in a 95 to 100 degree room. It’s typically a series of 26 poses that allows for a loosening of tight muscles and sweating.
Purpose: To flush out toxins and to deeply stretch the muscles
Benefits: Speeds up recovery from an injury, enhances flexibility, and cleanses the body
Good for: Beginners and advanced yogis alike who want to push themselves and those with physical injuries
These are only a few of many styles of yoga. Try one or all of them to figure out which one suits your needs the best.
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
Weight Loss Programs: The Cellulite Factor System
If you're looking to accomplish your goals in losing weight successfully or just have cellulite that you want to get rid of, it is more than likely that you need more than just a regular weight loss program that offers you the basics of just losing weight,fat loss and a weight loss diet. Just like when bodybuilding or losing weight in the gym, to target and build specific muscles or lose weight in certain areas, a person must to choose the right machine available to give those muscles or areas the most beneficial workout to produce the best results. Its the same when it comes to weight loss programs, you'll find a lot of weight loss programs that offer different results and target different aspects, The Cellulite Factor System is a weight loss program that you are likely to come across so lets discuss a little about this program.
What is The Cellulite Factor About?
The main purpose behind The Cellulite Factor System is to reduce the amount of cellulite present in the body. Cellulite is a dimpled tissue and in most cases appears on the thighs, lower stomach, bum and hips. Having excess body fat is known to increase your chances of getting cellulite BUT you don't have to be overweight to be afflicted with it, so yes thin people can get it as well. The Cellulite Factor System is program that assists by helping you to unveil the secrets for what it actually takes to eradicate cellulite from your body forever.
Most people who have the desire to lose cellulite begin by following a cardio program followed by a lower consumption which is great in terms of losing weight, but the The Cellulite Factor System unveils specific things that are essential towards losing weight, fat loss, fitness and most importantly ridding yourself of cellulite.
Who created The Cellulite Factor System?
The author and creator of The Cellulite Factor System is a Doctor called Dr.Charles Livingston. Dr.Charles Livingston has spent many years researching how the human body can rid itself of cellulite as well as various other weight loss aspects.
How The Cellulite Factor System Eradicates Cellulite?
The Cellulite Factor System will go over key exercises and fitness routines that you can do to assist in the process of firming your muscles beneath the cellulite, which will as a result make the surface of your skin smooth.
Also, a number of foods will be discussed in terms of diet which will help you lower cellulite. It is recorded by many people who have already purchased and completed The Cellulite Factor System that these specific foods may come as a big surprise to you, so it is advised and you prepare for some key changes to your weight loss diet. You will also learn about food combinations to include in your weight loss diet to heighten the diminution in cellulite
that you see.
Another thing that makes The Cellulite Factor System so unique is one of the key aspects of the program itself which is the use of a detoxification system. This is the beginning of this weight loss program as the toxins are what causes the cellulite of occur in the first place. You will learn about the following in this section:
- supplements to boost thyroid function
- promoting general health and fitness
- improving the rate of fat loss
- keeping your hormones in balance
All are essential towards ridding yourself of cellulite as well as losing weight as you will come to see as you progress in this weight loss program and begin to see results
Who is The Cellulite Factor System For?
Cellulite is more common among women rather than men, so it is an ideal weight loss program for women tired of trying to deal with this problem. It should be noted that The Cellulite Factor System has a large amount of benefits apart from just removing cellulite from the body, so it doesn't mean that just because women are more likely to have cellulite that men cannot benefit from it! So note that if you don't have cellulite but rather you have a passion for achieving greater health and fitness or even wish to detoxify your body, you could still reap the benefits of what The Cellulite Factor System has to offer, especially in the first section.
What Do You Get With The Cellulite Factor System When Purchased?
When you purchase The Cellulite Factor System you will receive the following an information book packed with everything you need to accomplish your goals. You'll have information about myths and facts about cellulite which will secure that you will NEVER fall for another gimmicky product that doesn't work EVER AGAIN! You'll learn about the scams available on the market today like clothing,pills, massage therapies and various other products out there that promise "instant results".
Crash diets will be discussed along with information needed to secure your chances for success. Dr Charles will talk about weight loss foods to eat to assist you in losing weight, supplements to use to assist you in your journey followed by one secret method that will instantly help your cellulite look less noticeable while you actually rid yourself of it for good.
Finally you'll get the step by step, easy to follow plan itself to get rid of cellulite for good and then once you achieve your goal how to keep it away FOREVER.
Along with the book, you will receive a complete set of daily meal plans, a food diary and a movement plan. Everything will be planned and ready for you to begin. This will help you keep a track of everything that you do and keep you assured the whole way; especially when you begin to see the results. It should be noted that this will also help when it comes to weight loss and is not just limited to cellulite alone. It will greatly assist you accomplishing your goals whether they are losing weight, fat loss in specific areas or just simply improving your diet and maintaining it.
You'll also receive a pre created list that you can take when you go shopping which will save you time on endless research on the right diets for you, trying large amount of diets available on the weight loss market today and not to mention the energy needed each week shopping! Simply pick up items on the list and you're good to go.
Finally, you'll get a book that will inform you on how to avoid the build of toxins to insure than you'll never have cellulite again. So when you finish the detox program, you can maintain it with ease.
The Benefits Of The Cellulite Factor System:
- This Weight Loss Program is easy to follow
- You will feel healthier after the detox program
- Energy levels will increase as you progress in the program
- You will learn vital information about cellulite which is needed to rid yourself of it
- The weight loss diet plans included are easier to follow than others out there and are straightforward
- The secret technique used in this weight loss program will instantly improve the look of your skin until you finally achieve your goal
- This weight loss program can be used by men and women
- The Cellulite Factor PDF book means that you can begin straight away with nothing holding you back.
- This weight loss program will save you a lot of time as the meals suggested are very straight forward
- The recommended supplements in this weight loss program are cost effective
- The meal plans included make dieting easier than other weight loss programs in today's market
- The detox program can be used over and over again whenever you feel that you need it
- The fitness plan included can be followed with ease despite your current health or fitness levels
- You will NOT need a gym or ANY equipment to complete the fitness side of things during this weight loss program
The Disadvantages Of The Cellulite Factor System:
- This weight loss program is not recommended to people over 50, simply because statistics show that people above this age found it harder to follow through than others and following through is essential to any weight loss program.
- The Cellulite Factor System Main book is packed with information which means the book itself is quite long so patience is needed on your part.
Tuesday, 2 July 2013
Weight Loss Programs: Customized Fat Loss System
Having said this i would like to invite all of you who are having difficulty in maintaining your Health And Fitness to share it on here and those of you who are successful in achieving your Health And Fitness goals having reached what we call a "peak state" to share your success stories.
Lets face it, with the busy lives that we lead today the need of these two key factors in our lives today has believe it or not reached record high simply do a little research and you will know this to be true, start with the obesity levels in the US or the general life expectancy around the world.
We will begin by sharing some information on losing weight as it is the leading problem for the majority of people, there will be further topics discussed such as weight gain, respiratory problems, quitting smoking and various other Health And Fitness issues. There is already some information here on weight loss but we have decided to add some information on what we feel are the best weight loss programs available on the market today in terms of overall weight loss. So we will begin weight loss program 1.
Weight loss Program: Kyle Leon's
Customized Fat Loss System
Most weight loss programs offer generic diet plans and the truth is that they do not work for everyone. The reason most other fat burning nutrition and weight loss exercise regimes don't work as well as Customized Fat Loss is that they are running on scientific theories that are out of date but there are a lot of effective ones out there. We have evolved with a different genetic blueprint, which means that our bodies process nutrients differently. Customized Fat Loss works on the principle that no two people are the same which is VERY effective school of thought to follow when it comes to weight loss and general health as you will come to realize.
Customized Fat Loss is a healthy weight loss program that consists of the following:
- The Customized Fat Loss system
- Customized Fat Loss Training
- Customized Fat Loss Supplementation
- Customized Fat Loss Unlimited Upgrades
- Customized Fat Loss bonus called Peak in a Week
The Customized Fat Loss system also comes with a personal tracker, which enables people to easily keep a record on their progress on a regular basis, along with simple to understand charts and graphs to explain what is going on with their body, this is one of the reasons why people find it one of the most effective and advanced weight loss programs available today.
Customized Fat Loss Training is a 12 week training plan that is designed to go along with the fat loss system. Here people will learn the specific exercises necessary to maximize their weight loss results and maintain their consistently to successfly achieve whatever weight loss goals they want to achieve.
Customized Fat Loss does not just focus on weight loss you will also have the option to try out Peak in a Week. This is a one week program is used to make the body look more ripped and toned than it actually is.
Customized Fat Loss is a bodybuilder quality nutrition program that is aimed at everyone. There are no reasons and anybody who purchases it can rest assured that you're going to be purchasing something that is completely suitable for you and that you are giving your overall health and weight something beneficial.
Customized Fat Loss is a program that works for people regardless of their age, fitness or weight loss goals no matter how high or low; this is what makes it such an effective weight loss program in general. Whether your a male, female, old, young, overweight, underweight, physically fit or unfit this is a program that has something for everyone. This is what having a personalized program is all about and The Customized Fat Loss System meets this vital requirement.
Some final points to be noted before you consider purchasing The Customized Fat Loss System. The Customized Fat Loss System is a computer based program that is simple and you will be able to follow it with ease the important thing needed on your part is the will to follow through. Not only will it provide you with an personalized program, but one of the most astonishing factors about the program is that it progresses, grows and moves forward just like you do in other words it grows with you. For example as your fitness goals change it adapts with you. The program doesn't make you stick to the limitations of your current goals instead it is more than capable of changes as well as long as you are!
Health And Fitness Frontiers say that Kyle Leon's Customized Fat Loss System is one of the most unique and effective programs on today's market and this is why it is the first fitness program to review on out list.
Swimming To Lose Weight
by WLR Staff, Adam Vaughan
Swimming helps lose weight, burn calories and puts little stress on your body. Swimming works all the major muscles, and will tone you up and slim you down!
You can train to swim at a competitive level or you can enjoy a few healthy lengths at your local pool; you decide how much you want to achieve in swimming and set your own pace.
Whatever level you choose, swimming is good for you and it's never too late to learn or improve your swimming skills. A relaxing form of exercise means weight lost by swimming is fun too!
Many public pools now offer swimming combined with aerobics , (aqua-aerobics), to help lose weight. This is high impact aerobics without the high impact. Aqua-aerobics (or swim-nastics) will help to shed those pounds, and tone you!
What are the benefits of swimming to aid weight loss?
Swimming burns calories, so helps you lose weight and swimming for weight loss has been regularly praised for its cardiovascular health benefits,especially for older people.
As swimming uses so many muscles in your body, your heart and lungs must work hard to supply them all with oxygen. This means that swimming will give your cardiovascular system an excellent workout.
As swimming uses so many muscles in your body, your heart and lungs must work hard to supply them all with oxygen. This means that swimming will give your cardiovascular system an excellent workout.
Any exercise that makes you breathe a little heavier is good because it means your body is working hard! As your heart and lungs get stronger you will be able to go for longer before you get tired, your resting heart rate will decrease and blood pressure will lower.
Regular swimming when losing weight will improve your health and may reduce the risk of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and stroke. The NHS choices website offers more information.
Can swimming improve your figure and muscle tone?
Swimming is known to be one of the best all round aerobic exercises because it works all the major muscle groups so targets every area of your body.
There are 4 main strokes to choose from:
- Freestyle
- Breaststroke
- Backstroke
- Butterfly
and you can tailor your swimming sessions to exercise specific areas of your body.
Will swimming improve strength?
Swimming provides constant resistance exercise as you are battling against the water to propel your body forward. This makes it excellent for increasing strength especially in the upper body.
As your swimming progresses you will build muscle which in turn burns fat. So calories will be burned as you swim, plus you will burn more calories as your swimming improves.
You will also burn an increased amount of calories even after the exercise is finished as your body uses energy to recover and rebuild muscle tissue.
You will also burn an increased amount of calories even after the exercise is finished as your body uses energy to recover and rebuild muscle tissue.
Will swimming improve flexibility?
Due to the nature of the movement when performing swimming strokes it can aid in improving the flexibility of the muscles and joints.
What are the other benefits of swimming?
- Top athletes use swimming to aid recovery from injury as it is low impact but still builds excellent muscular and cardiovascular endurance. So if you have had an accident and want to get back into exercising, taking up swimming is an ideal way to do that.
- It’s fun. You don’t have to just do length after length in the pool. Things like treading water burns calories too. So if you have kids take them down to the pool and enjoy it. It will be excellent for their health too.
- Swimming can be relaxing and give you a little ‘me’ time away from it all. Burning calories might be the last thing on your mind but what an excellent bonus.
- You could also join a water aerobics class if lane swimming isn’t your thing. These are held in most pools so check in and ask at your local centre to find out more. Or alternatively maybe you fancy giving water polo a try.
How many Calories will Swimming Burn?
Depending on your weight and exertion level you'll burn between 90-550 extra calories in a half-hour session.
Getting Started with Swimming
If you are unsure of how to start, then our handy tips will get you on your way…
- Check out your local pool; most public pools have separate times for different groups - adults only / men only / women only / mother and toddlers
- Try to set aside time at least once a week when you will go swimming.
- Remember to warm up and stretch before you swim off as the large range of rotation around the joints from swimming means you need your muscles to be long and flexible.
- Don’t forget your legs, which are often overlooked when swimming. Stretching them will reduce drag in the water by improving your form and also help prevent cramp.
- Get a friend to join you if this will help motivate you.
- Start off by swimming a few lengths of the pool and build up the distance each week.
- Change your strokes to add interest and exert yourself in different ways.
- To begin with have breaks every few lengths to get your breath back. Each session decrease the duration of this break until you can cut them out entirely and swim nonstop.
- Look out at your local pool for news of swimming clubs which normally cater for all age groups.
Swimming Kit Bag
- Costume/Trunks - There are hundreds available, you decide which you feel most comfortable in.
- Goggles - Improve vision and prevent chlorine irritating the eyes.
- Ear plugs- useful if you don’t like to get water in your ears, or if you're susceptible to ear infections.
- Water Bottle – Remember you are exercising so need to keep your body hydrated. Keep this at the end of your lane so that you can drink in your breaks.
Safety when Swimming
Even in a pool with lifeguards, there are dangers and more so if you a learner or not a strong swimmer:
- Do not get out of your depth.
- Have respect for other swimmers and give them enough space to go by if they are faster.
- Take extra care when swimming in the sea or lakes / open water.
And Finally, if you can’t swim…
Do not worry as many pools offer adult-only beginner lessons so have a look at your local leisure centre to see what is available; pensioner’s and children’s rates will often be heavily discounted.
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Beginners Guide To Burning Fat: 2 Fundamental Rules Of Fat Burning
By Tahir Mahmood
One of the most common questions when following a weight loss/fitness program is how to burn belly fat. Belly fat is actually the most dangerous type of fat lets look at some of the problems it can cause and why it is the most dangerous.
Why Is Belly Fat Considered The Most Dangerous? And How Can It Harm You?
Belly fat breaks into fatty acids, these acids flow into the muscles and the liver. Fatty acids trigger an increase of bad cholesterol, as a result insulin can become less effective in controlling sugar levels. When blood sugar levels become unstable, clots and fats enter the bloodstream and this is where the dangers of belly fat really begin to kick in, because this is what directly causes heart disease, diabetes and various other problems. It is agreed by many that belly/abdominal fat is linked to causing heart attacks, strokes and an increase of blood pressure.
Burning fat alone can be a difficult task but for most people the nightmare is getting rid of belly fat. However, there are methods that can make losing weight in this area a lot easier along with ways that you can even boost your chances of burning belly fat more rapidly. To begin with simply read up on my previous post called Secret Fat Burning Foods For Your Weight Loss Diet, to help get you started on general weight loss/fat burning diet.
2 Fundamental Rules Of Fat Burning:
- Changing Your Diet
- Boosting Your Fitness Levels
It is obvious that these are the 2 key factors to weight loss as well as rapidly burning fat. Studies show that raising then maintaining fitness levels followed by eating certain foods assist in losing weight. Adding certain fruit, vegetables and whole grains into your weight loss diet for example, will force away your belly fat (e.g chillies).
Exercise will not only boost your fitness levels, studies show that regular exercise actually shrinks fat cells. When it comes to the type of exercise for weight loss and burning fat, the best one i can recommend is cardio. The most effective type of cardio for general weight loss and burning fat is most definitely running/jogging on a daily basis. Increasing the amount of cardio you do has many benefits because it begins to burn calories instantly and also changes hormone levels in your body. Quick tip before you add it to your fat burning program, if you perform cardio on an empty stomach it will allow your body to target fat cells more efficiently, this can be your first line of attack against belly fat, follow it up with changes to your diet as mentioned in the earlier post, Secret Fat Burning Foods For Your Weight Loss Diet and you will be well on your way to losing weight and most importantly burning belly fat!
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Secret Fat Burning Foods For Your Weight Loss Diet
By Tahir Mahmood
Any weight loss program out there will inform you from the beginning that the two main factors to achieve your goals of losing weight successfully comes down to exercising and diet. Many people who want to lose weight quickly, follow their chosen weight loss program or diet program and try to keep their focus on these two factors but tend to lose momentum, either at the beginning or in the middle, this is a common problem in weight loss.
What is the best way to keep your momentum going and avoid making the same mistake i hear you say?
Well lets focus on your diet as most people agree that it is the most difficult one to maintain when attempting to lose weight. When it comes to losing weight, the diet you choose for yourself can either be your downfall or the ace up your sleeve. Research shows that there are foods out there that you can add to your weight loss plan by adding to your diet right away to help give your chances of losing weight a boost.
Foods That Boost Your Chances of Losing Weight Right Away
Known as nature's candy, apples are high in fiber which keeps you full over a longer period of time. The average apple contains a tiny 55 calories so its a good place to start by adding this to your weight loss diet plan. They also contain vitamins that will boost your energy levels again ideal for losing weight through exercise.
Adding this to your weight loss diet plan for breakfast on a regular basis is a great way to start losing weight. Although Oatmeal is a great source of protein, fiber and anti oxidants; the most contributing factor it plays towards weight loss comes down to the good carbohydrates it contains known as complex carbs. Complex carbs break down slower in the body than simple carbs, keeping you fuller over longer time period, lowering your snack intake and giving you more energy; boosting your chances of losing weight.
Add almonds to your weight loss diet plan and you cant go wrong in losing weight. To begin with its a great way to keep hunger at bay throughout the the day. Chewing more almonds throughout your day will release fat, which will release hormones in your body that vanquish hunger. They are also great for the skin due to their content of vitamin E and they are also another great source of protein. Also, although there is some skepticism about the amount of calories they contain you can rest assured that they will NOT sabotage your weight loss plan in any way as they to not contribute towards belly fat.
Olive Oil:
Can olive oil really help losing weight? Lets take a look. Olive oil contains oleic acid which gives assistance to the process of breaking down excess fats. I guess the main benefit of olive oil towards weight loss is that it boosts energy levels. Laziness is what sabotages weight loss goals and weight loss diets, so adding this to your weight loss diet plan is like hitting two birds with one stone! The boost of energy will be ideal for maintaining your fitness/exercise routines which is obviously the BEST way of losing weight. Some other benefits of adding this to your weight loss diet plan are:
- Reduce bad cholesterol levels
- Make you less hungry
- Protect your red blood cells and your heart
- Help fight breast cancer
- Healthier Old Age
- Reduce the risk of strokes
- Prevent heart attacks
Add chillies to your weight loss diet plan and you will see yourself losing weight on a large scale. Studies show that capsaicin (which is what makes chillies hot) increases the body's metabolism and it also assists in the process of burning calories both essential factors towards losing weight. Capsaicin works by causing adrenaline to release in the body, which as a result increases energy levels and drastically reduces appetite. So add chillies to your weight loss diet plan, this could be your new weapon for weight loss as it will work faster than anything else and give you rapid and instantaneous results in your goal of losing weight.
Eggs have had a bad reputation when it comes to losing weight for a while now, the truth is that adding them to your diet actually helps the weight loss process. When added to your weight loss diet, it is advised that you have them for breakfast, recent studies found that people who added eggs to their breakfast lost twice as much weight as people with a normal bagel breakfast. There are 3 main beneficial factors eggs have towards weight loss:
- High in Protein
- Lower levels of ghrelin (hormone that stimulates appetite)
- Raises levels of PYY3-36 (hormone that signals when we are full)
There are many other benefits of adding eggs to your diet but as far as losing weight goes, eggs definitely give people the edge and is considered as secret weapon to help weight loss when added to breakfast, so add eggs to your weight loss diet plan today and reap the rewards.
Add these 7 super foods to your diet right away to really give your weight loss plan a real boost.
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