Monday, 30 September 2013

How To Boost Your Energy


11 April 2013

Everyone’s familiar with low energy levels which can cause us to feel fatigued, mentally foggy or irritable. It’s no surprise that we all tend to go through that lull in the middle of the day where regaining even a smidgen of energy seems impossible. Getting a quick energy fix can be really simple by making a few changes to your daily routine. We share five ways to increase your energy and recommend five of our best energy boosting holidays.

Eat breakfast

The importance of eating breakfast is expressed repeatedly. Skipping breakfast in the morning can cause loss of concentration, tiredness and dizziness later in the day. Ensuring you have a healthy breakfast will increase your energy and prevent you from reaching for a sugary snack, which can later cause an energy crash. Complex carbohydrates release glucose slowly and will subsequently keep you fuller for longer and continue to steadily provide you with energy. A major source of complex carbohydrates is whole grain foods; so try whole grain cereals with skimmed milk, dried fruits or whole-wheat toast.

Get some sunshine

Step outdoors for 10 minutes for a fast energy fix. Sunlight provides your skin with vitamin D, which can help improve mood and intellectual performance, as well as leave you feeling energized  Moreover, research from experts at the University of Michigan found that a walk outside in the open air helps improve conditions such as memory deficit, inattentiveness and other forms of mental fatigue.

Sun Salutation to provide your skin with essential vitamin D

Sunlight provides your skin with essential vitamin D, leaving you feeling 

Make a smoothie

Juices or smoothies are a quick and convenient way of boosting your energy levels. Every type of fruit contains natural sugars and fibers  Fruits supercharged with vitamin C, such as oranges and kiwis, and fruits rich in antioxidants, like blueberries, will sharpen your focus and provide more mental clarity throughout your day.

Move about

Going for a brisk walk for just 10 minutes can help fight the feelings of fatigue and increase your energy for up to 2 hours. Even if you only have time for a stretch, walk around the office, or a few runs up and down the stairs, you could feel much more revived. Energy levels tend to be at their lowest around lunchtime, so try to squeeze in any short burst of exercise during your lunch break. Furthermore, if you are working on a computer for most of the day, take moments to look away from the screen as this can put a lot of strain on your eyes, causing you to feel tired and lethargic.

Stay hydrated

Dehydration is a primary contributor to sapping energy levels and causing you to feel fatigued. Drinking plenty of fluids, particularly water, will assist in suppressing lethargy. Foods with high water content will also keep you hydrated. However, be careful of drinking too much caffeine. Over the course of the day it can have the opposite effect of the energy burst most people think it will give them. Green tea is a much healthier option, with lower caffeine levels than black tea and coffee and it also contains the amino acid L-theanine, known for aiding alertness and memory. More importantly, remember to avoid stimulants such as energy drinks or supplements as, although they may give you a short term energy fix, they are not a long term solution!

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