Thursday, 19 December 2013

5 Juices that Help You Lose Weight Quickly

It is easier said than done. When it comes to losing weight, the efforts always fall short. Most of the people who do not find success for a month or two give it up. How good it would be if you could have something that could expedite your weight loss and help with your weight loss efforts?
Well, there are a lot of foods that can help in weight loss, but experts prefer juices over solid foods, as juices can be easily absorbed by body and contain ample vitamins, minerals, and all other vital nutrients. Today, I let you know top 5 juices that help you lose weight quickly!
Carrot Juice
Carrot juice is one of the most easily available and healthiest juices you can ever consume, as it is extremely rich in vitamin A. Carrot juice also has ample of vital minerals like magnesium, potassium, and calcium. It is also a rich source of carotenes. Regular consumption of carrot juice not only strengthens your body’s self-defense mechanism, it also helps you lose weight at a faster rate. Consume a glassful after every gym session!
Cranberry Juice
Cranberry is one of the richest sources of vitamin C, which helps break fat. Cranberry juice is also renowned to treat UTIs and other bladder infections caused due to E. coli. Have it in pure form or mash in a banana to your glass! It is a nutrient-full juice that will help you lose weight.
Pear Juice
Pear juice is power-packed with essential vitamins and minerals. It is uber-rich in vitamin C and has ample of phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium – all highly essential for the body. Have a glassful everyday to expedite your weight loss!
Blueberry Juice
I, particularly, love its color which also lets you know the richness of antioxidants in this fruit (juice). Blueberry juice is one of the richest in antioxidants. In addition to strengthening your body’s self-defense, it cuts down your body’s fat reserves. It is a less-calorie juice and can be had on a regular basis. Rich in fiber and vitamin C, the delicious blueberry juice will help you get your body in shape!
Pomegranate Juice
Now, I don’t think nobody needs to be told about the goodness and richness of pomegranate juice. A glassful of pomegranate juice is extremely rich in nearly all kinds of antioxidants. Apart from being extremely tasty, a glass a day will help you lose weight and stay fit.
These juices are surely a tasty and healthy way to vanish your fat layers!

Benefits of Yoga - Why Yoga Exercise is Good for You

Yoga books tell us that Yoga, as we all know, is aimed to unite the mind, the body, and the spirit. Yogis view that the mind and the body are one, and that if it is given the right yoga kit and tools and taken to the right environment, it can find harmony and heal itself. Yoga therefore is considered therapeutic. It helps you become more aware of your body's posture, alignment and patterns of movement. It makes the body more flexible and helps you relax even in the midst of a stress stricken environment. This is one of the foremost reasons why people want to start Practicing Yoga - to feel fitter, be more energetic, be happier and peaceful.

Yoga is a science that has been practiced for thousands of years. It is consists of Ancient Theories, observations and principles about the mind and body connection which is now being proven by modern medicine. Substantial research has been conducted to look at the Health Benefits of Yoga - from the Yoga Postures (Asanas), Yoga Breathing (Pranayama), and Meditation. The information on Yoga Poses & Benefits are grouped into three categories-physiological, psychological, biochemical effects. Furthermore, scientists have laid these results against the benefits of regular exercise.

Physiological Benefits of Yoga

Stable autonomic nervous system equilibrium
Pulse rate decreases
Respiratory rate decreases
Blood Pressure decreases (of special significance for hyporeactors)
Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) increases
EEG - alpha waves increase (theta, delta, and beta waves also increase during various stages of meditation)
EMG activity decreases
Cardiovascular efficiency increases
Respiratory efficiency increases
Gastrointestinal function normalizes
Endocrine function normalizes
Excretory functions improve
Musculoskeletal flexibility and joint range of motion increase
Breath-holding time increases
Joint range of motion increase
Grip strength increases
Eye-hand coordination improves
Dexterity skills improve
Reaction time improves
Posture improves
Strength and resiliency increase
Endurance increases
Energy level increases
Weight normalizes
Sleep improves
Immunity increases
Pain decreases
Steadiness improves
Depth perception improves
Balance improves
Integrated functioning of body parts improves
Psychological Benefits of Yoga
Somatic and kinesthetic awareness increase
Mood improves and subjective well-being increases
Self-acceptance and self-actualization increase
Social adjustment increases
Anxiety and Depression decrease
Hostility decreases
Concentration improves
Memory improves
Attention improves
Learning efficiency improves
Mood improves
Self-actualization increase
Social skills increases
Well-being increases
Somatic and kinesthetic awareness increase
Self-acceptance increase
Attention improves
Concentration improves
Memory improves
Learning efficiency improves
Symbol coding improves
Depth perception improves
Flicker fusion frequency improves
Biochemical Benefits of Yoga

Glucose decreases
Sodium decreases
Total cholesterol decreases
Triglycerides decrease
HDL cholesterol increases
LDL cholesterol decreases
VLDL cholesterol decreases
Cholinesterase increases
Catecholamines decrease
ATPase increases
Hematocrit increases
Hemoglobin increases
Lymphocyte count increases
Total white blood cell count decreases
Thyroxin increases
Vitamin C increases
Total serum protein increases
Yoga Health Benefits versus Exercise Benefits

Yoga Benefits

Parasympathetic Nervous System dominates
Subcortical regions of brain dominate
Slow dynamic and static movements
Normalization of muscle tone
Low risk of injuring muscles and ligaments
Low caloric consumption
Effort is minimized, relaxed
Energizing (breathing is natural or controlled)
Balanced activity of opposing muscle groups
Noncompetitive, process-oriented
Awareness is internal (focus is on breath and the infinite)
Limitless possibilities for growth in self-awareness

Exercise Benefits

Sympathetic Nervous System dominates
Cortical regions of brain dominate
Rapid forceful movements
Increased muscle tension
Higher risk of injury
Moderate to high caloric consumption
Effort is maximized
Fatiguing (breathing is taxed)
Imbalance activity of opposing groups
Competitive, goal-oriented
Awareness is external (focus is on reaching the toes, reaching the finish line, etc.)
Boredom factor


Yoga for weight loss

Is using yoga for weight loss the best way to lose weight? Well that depends on the person, the style of yoga we are talking about and other environmental factors that may be present.
First we must understand what it means to lose weight. For most of us it means to lose fat.
How does our body lose fat? This is what we need to understand if we are going to be successful in loosing weight.
In reality there is ONLY ONE WAY to lose weight (fat), you must use more calories then you take in. With ALL the products and marketing out there it all comes down to that one statement.
This is why diets do not really work, Yes you do need to watch what you eat, but not eating is worse for you then eating to much. We need to have a balanced diet that gives us the nutrition we need and also keeps the calories to a manageable level. For more information on that visit my Yoga Diet page
However sometimes there are things that influence how much weight we can lose, and how effective our weight loss program can be. Let us talk about a few of the things that can inhibit your Yoga for weight loss program.

Stress is a common factor in people who have the extra pounds. When we are stressed our metabolism suffers and because of that we retain more calories and calories retained become fat. there will be many posts on this site that will deal with stress and stress reduction. Just be aware that the more stress you have the harder to lose the weight. So be kind t yourself and one piece of good news is regular exercise has been proven to reduce stress. When you use yoga for weight loss it also helps reduce our stress.
The level or intensity of our training will also affect how much weight comes off. If you are like me you like to work out very hard and push yourself to your limits and then past them. However this is NOT the best strategy to loosing weight. For me the hardest part of my training for weight loss was not getting to the gym, but making sure I did not work out too hard. For some of you this will be great news since you do not want to work out hard anyways *SMILE*. More on this will be added on a separate page detailing my program. When we use yoga for weight loss, it fits perfectly with this philosophy, since yoga is a more balanced form of exercise. For more mainstream exercise fitness you can visit my friends site.
What you eat is more important then counting calories. Yes, you do need to make sure you have a calorie deficiency to lose weight, and it takes a 3500 calorie deficiency to lose 1 lb of fat, in using yoga for weight loss you will have all the calorie burning power you need. However you will have the best results by making sure you have some calories from Carbohydrates before your workout (not a lot but some). It is really funny since we all know carbs turn into fat, but most of us do not know that the body cannot burn fat without carbs. There is a quote I like: Fat burns in a carbohydrate flame. Remember it. Also vegetables, fruits and fish are best to eat during fat loss. You can still eat red meat, but try to cut back on it if you can… fish and beans can give you the protein you need. When using yoga for weight loss, you should also think about your diet, you can see my page on yoga diets for more information. Remember the main thing is a calorie deficiency to lose weight… But maintain the calories you need for life, for most of us that is about 2,000 Calories a day.
DO it with a friend. Having someone to keep you motivated really helps and having some friendly competition will keep you honest outside the gym during the day, when you need to watch what and how much you are eating. Also with two people using yoga for weight loss, if becomes more fun.
People say dieting does not work, and they are right. To lose weight and keep it off you need a healthy lifestyle. Your diet is part of that, just remember your diet is what you eat and it is not stopping eating.
A key thing to remember is that natural weight loss is very important. All the artificial products out there are not good for you, almost every weight loss drug has undesirable side effects. Do it naturally and there are no side effects. All you need is Nature, knowledge and you.
How a yogi would lose the weight if a yogi needed too.
How would a yogi use yoga for weight loss? He would do it with a healthy lifestyle of course and by listening to his body. This includes a number of things.
Here are some of the topics that would be thought of.
Yoga conditioning for weight loss
Yoga and your diet
Research on what supplement can speed up your weight loss.
Internal body cleansing
Another thing to add to your Yoga for weight loss program would be of course weight loss through ayurveda - Stay thin with a slender waist. Ayurveda is a perfect ancient science of life; the word AYUR literally means life and VEDA the science or knowledge. Ayurveda briefly explains the knowledge of the do’s and don’ts one has to follow, which favors the well being of each individual to lead a healthy, happy, comfortable and advantageous life physically, mentally & socially. Ayurveda also emphasizes “prevention is better than cure”.

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