Monday, 28 October 2013

Crunch Time: 5 Ways to Keep Fit when You're Too Busy

The feminist in me is ashamed to admit that I still feel guilty when I leave my family for a night or an afternoon for some 'me' time. For the longest time I didn't even consider getting back into a fitness regimen because there just weren't enough hours in the day, unless I were to actually leave my kids for a few hours.

Then I realized that I'm in this for the long-haul. I'm a mother FOR-EVAH. And, I'll have this body to live in forever. I want need to start feeling good in it again. Something tells me that in taking better care of myself; my family will be getting the best of me. Maybe I won't wake up at 40 and look in the mirror thinking, "Why did I let things go like this?" Because that sort of stuff MATTERS. Yes, I can still be a feminist and say that body weight and self-image matters.

At 35, I'm thinking about how I want to feel in my middle and old age. Not just what my body looks like. I want to lead by example to my kids and show them that exercise and healthy eating are a regular daily part of life -- to be actually enjoyed, not bemoaned.

Pulling in the reins means letting go. Here are 5 ways that I've been making the time to hit the gorgeous trails I live close to and remember what a core is.

1. Work Out at Home
You don't need a fancy gym membership to reap the benefits of having an instructor anymore. With the popularity of blogging and vlogging comes some great workout channels on YouTube that you can subscribe to. So what if the house is a mess and there's laundry to do? The daddy will make breakfast or dinner just fine on his own while I work out or go for a run. It took me some time to curate a selection that I choose from - that don't annoy the heck out of me. (There are LOTS of those). Sometimes I just do a yoga and weight/core session then go for a run. On the days that it's 20 below zero? I add in a home cardio to the list. Now all I need is to install a hot-tub in the back-yard and build a sauna in the basement. (One can dream).

2. The Tunes
There are tons of work-out play-lists surfing around the internet, but for someone who can do without main-stream pop ... it can be hard to find something that doesn't suck. I plan on making a few of my own collections, but in the meantime I found this great site and a few of the mixes don't make me want to stab my eyes out.

Related: The 5 WORST foods for weight loss
3. Take the Kids With You
I don't use the excuse of having the kids stop me from going for a run. With a double jogging stroller or bike chariot, there's really not much of an excuse. My friends, it is COLD here. The past week has blessed most of Canada with sub zero (-20) temperatures. Lots of snow. Which means bundling up my rowdy kids in lots of layers, tucking a wool blanket in around them, where pretty much all you can see are their peepers and just doing it. Pushing myself. HARD. That's a lot extra weight to push up-hill - making for a great (albeit super challenging) workout. Hooking myself up with the proper winter gear was also super important - winter running kicks, thermal pants, undershirts and lightweight yet warm and breathable coats. Do some research, talk to a pro at a sports store (like I did) and make some frugal choices. Or maybe splurge on some items from Lululemon and/or MEC (like I did) and feel great about it. Hey! You're saving all that money for a gym membership, right?

4. They'll Love the Excursion
All the fresh air will knock them out and instead of staying home whilst they tear into every single toy/puzzle/magnet/book imaginable, you'll come home to a tidy house just in time for their synchronized nap! Seriously, fresh air IS that awesome.

5. Cook Simple, Healthy, Delicious Meals
For something that doesn't sound so difficult, we all know that doing as such huge problem in North America. Avoiding pre-fab foods and dieting is a great place to start. You don't have to go all paleo or gluten free (but less gluten and sprouted, whole grain carbs is definitely a good way to go). We've opted for not buying into all of the gimmicks and just getting back to basics, coupled with good old fashioned moderation. It's not just about my own health either, it's about the choices I make for my kids and the things I am teaching them about food, fitness and body image. I shudder to think what sort of message I would be sending to my little girl (or son for that matter), if I were to be constantly dieting becasue I wasn't happy with my body. Instead, I'm just the 'crazy organic mommy, who only buys local meat,' etc., etc. I'm okay with that. I'm not saying we don't ever order pizza, but when you open my fridge or freezer there's lots of fresh and local groceries in there. Hardly any boxes.

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4 Fitness Tests You Can Do at Home

Why do you exercise? Whether you want to increase your energy, reduce your health risks, or lose some unwanted pounds, do you ever wonder if all that working out is working for you? That's where fitness assessments come in, and they can be great motivational tools to help you reach your goals.

Measuring your fitness level regularly is one way to find out if you're making progress. Most fitness centers have trained staff who can evaluate your body composition, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, and cardiovascular endurance, but it can be pricey. If you don’t have access to all the toys and tools of your gym, don’t panic. You have everything you need to measure your fitness level in your own house!

Start with the simple assessments below, whether you plan to start an exercise program tomorrow or you've been at it for a while.

The Pushup Test (measures muscular strength and endurance)
The Crunch Test (measures abdominal strength and endurance)
The 3-Minute Step Test (measures aerobic fitness)
The 1-Mile Walk Test (measures aerobic fitness)

These tests are great tools to see how you are doing. When you're done testing, you can track your scores on SparkPeople to keep track of your progress! If you don’t score as well as you like, just remember to focus on improving your own scores periodically. As long as you are improving, your fitness plan is working. If you find you aren’t making the progress that you feel you should be seeing, it may be time to change your workout routine.

Learn more at:

Ten Keys to Fast Fitness

The first thing I can tell you is that the information on this site will work for you! The exercise information is based on solid research and principles of exercise physiology, and the fat loss information is very different from popular weight-loss fads that can be restrictive, unbalanced, and can even set you up for failure after some initial success.
If the prospect of changing your body seems daunting, I'll tell you a secret that's been the basis of every worthwhile goal I've ever reached. The key to success – in anything – isn't extraordinary, superhuman effort. It's daily action. You find a set of actions that you believe will produce good results if you follow them consistently, and then you follow them consistently. You don't reach a goal by constantly saying “so little done, so much more to do.” Just focus on taking small consistent steps, and suddenly you'll discover that you've arrived. The focus should be squarely on the present - "What are the actions I can take today that will bring success?"
You can do this. As you'll see, a good fitness program isn't accidental. All the pieces are explained in this website, in exact detail. They're specific, and they're crucial. In my view, the following ten elements, with no pieces missing, are essential to fast fitness:

1) Aerobic exercise (3-4 x weekly, 20-40 minutes each depending on intensity)
2) Cross-training
3) Interval training (no gasping allowed!)
4) Resistance training (with proper post-workout nutrition and recovery), 2-3 x weekly, 45-60 minutes each depending on intensity.
5) Water, water water – both within the food you eat and as your primary beverage
6) Four to six limited, balanced “fuelings” a day, containing adequate protein intake and low-glycemic carbohydrates (to stabilize your blood sugar)
7) Proper nutritional support and supplements
8) Intentional caloric deficits
9) Basic records and specific goals
10) Adequate rest

I'll explain these briefly now, and in more detail later. If your current program is not working for you, for any reason, we've got to add the missing pieces to make it work. Period.
Now, before you start feeling overwhelmed, rest assured that there are appropriate ways to include all of these in your program, regardless of your age, gender or level of fitness. The key is starting at the proper level. If you're new to exercise, it really is a good idea to have a conversation with your doctor first, and it's perfectly OK to start slowly.
Let's go through the components individually. On the exercise front, most effective way to get fit is to include a specific variety of exercises in your program. Physiologist Covert Bailey calls these the "four food groups of exercise", and they include aerobic exercise, interval training (no gasping allowed!), cross-training, and resistance training.

1) Aerobic exercise

Breathe. If you want to measure how many calories someone is burning, with great accuracy, you measure their breathing. One of the first things you can do to improve your health, both physically and mentally, is to become aware of your in-breath and your out-breath. When you follow your breath, your mind stops running around. If you combine that with awareness of what you're doing – lifting a barbell, playing with your kids, sitting in traffic – you'll experience life in everyday things.
Aerobic activity is anything that elevates your oxygen intake, preferably in full, regular breaths. This includes walking, jogging, running, cross-country skiing, biking, and other activities. By the way, you'll always get more power if you focus on your breathing and let your speed catch up than if you focus on your speed and let your breathing catch up.
Here's why you need aerobics. Exercise has two functions: one is to trigger metabolic adaptation, and the other is to do mechanical work. Both expend a lot of energy, and if you want to burn a lot of fat, you want to take advantage of both. The short-duration, high intensity stuff triggers adaptation (muscle gain, enzyme changes, cellular reorganization, lactate tolerance, cardiovascular improvement). You burn fat afterwardin order to replace muscle glycogen. The longer duration, lower intensity aerobic activity (breathing deeply but still "conversational") allows you to create an energy demand that burns fat then and there. If you include both types, you're going to lose fat fast.
Which exercise is best? Generally those that engage the largest amount of muscle, including the full lower body. The more muscle groups you engage, the more work your body does, but the less exertion you feel because no single muscle group bears the whole burden. Some of the better choices include running (outdoor or treadmill), ski machines, elliptical machines, and stationary bikes that work both arms and legs. Start slow if you're out of shape. Even walking is fine if it elevates your breathing and you focus on using your muscles. Exercises that isolate the arms (like swimming) aren't as effective, but you can also improve those by emphasizing the leg muscles more. Probably the best advice is to pick the exercises you're actually willing to include as part of your lifestyle. Personally, I enjoy running, but that wasn't my first exercise when I started my own program – I had to build up my leg muscles to overcome a knee injury, so I started with stationary bikes and ski machines. In any case, as Covert Bailey says, the best exercise is the one you'll actually do.

2) Interval training or “wind sprints.”

A few times in each aerobic workout, you'll raise your activity enough to get winded and recover, get winded and recover. If you're starting from a very low level of fitness, ease into this! The goal is progress, not injury. If you're extremely out of shape, a "wind sprint" for you may initially be simply walking up a hill. That will improve. Of course, if just thinking about getting up off the couch is your wind sprint ("Whew! Hand me a towel!"), well, we've got some work to do. In any case, remember - no gasping allowed.
Scientists measure fitness by something called VO2Max. This is the maximum speed at which oxygen can be absorbed by the body. Typically, the faster you recover normal breathing after getting "winded", the more fit you are. So how do you train VO2Max? You do aerobic exercise that incorporates periods of activity high enough to get you winded (never gasping), followed by a return to moderate (not low or zero) levels of activity until you recover your regular breathing. These “wind sprints” can be 5 minutes, 1 minute, or even 20 seconds in length.
3) Cross training
Include two to three types of aerobic activity into your program. It's important to remember that your body is very efficient at adapting to its environment. If you always use the stationary bike, you'll become very good at the stationary bike, but you'll probably still get winded running through an airport. Also, your body perceives variety as more intense than if you consistently do the identical workout, which will create more pressure to adapt. There's not much additional benefit in doing more than three aerobic activities. A little bit of variety is the main thing.

4) Resistance training.

Want to raise your metabolism? Start by understanding that aside from a moderate amount of calories burned in digestion and the like, the main tissue that burns energy in the body is muscle, even at rest. The quickest way to lower your metabolism is to lose muscle. The best way to raise your metabolism is to build and preserve muscle. Again, done at the proper level, virtually anybody can benefit from including this as part of their fitness program.
Muscle growth is essentially a repair process. The goal in resistance training isn't just to push a lot of poundage - it's to stress the muscle with very focused contraction (in the concentric or “lifting” phase) and tension (in the eccentric or “lowering” phase) in order to cause little micro-tears that result in new growth. In order for muscle growth to occur, you have to follow up your training with proper nutrition, supplementation, and rest. There's specific advice on all of that in the workout and nutrition sections.
It's important to target a new “personal best” each time you go to the gym – even one or two extra reps, or a few more pounds in your last set – that's the difference between a “workout” and a “training session.” You won't make it every time, but do your best to break a new record, even slightly.
So resistance training is not just “weight lifting.” Weight lifting means lifting weights – moving poundage for the sake of moving poundage. Resistance training means more than that. It means being aware of the specific muscle being trained by every exercise, using proper form (especially during the final repetitions when good form is easily lost), focusing on contracting the muscle during the concentric (lifting) movement and creating tension by going slow - at least 2 seconds - during the eccentric (lowering) movement. I don't care how many pounds you can lift if you're swinging the weight without causing contraction and tension in the right muscles.
Here's why you need resistance training. Much less than half of your "fat-free mass" (scale weight minus fat) is active, skeletal muscle. But that muscle accounts for the majority of the energy you use daily. A pound of pure muscle burns up to about 50 calories a day (though less at sedentary activity levels). To put that in perspective, a pound of fat is 3500 calories. The more lean muscle you have, the easier it is to burn fat. Suppose somebody goes on a restrictive or unbalanced fad diet such as Atkins, does nothing to preserve muscle tissue, and loses 10 pounds of muscle (which is not unusual), some fat, and a lot of water. They may look at the scale and think that's progress. But as soon as they go off the diet, the water will rapidly return and the scale will shoot higher. Worse, they'll find that a caloric intake that used to keep their weight constant may now cause them to gain as much as a pound of fat a week. The less muscle mass you have, the harder it is to lose weight and keep it off. So even if your goal is purely fat loss, you've got to keep up the strength training so that your lean mass at least stays constant.
If you're trying to gain muscle, intensity of muscle contraction is much more important than duration, and anything more than an hour of intensity will exhaust your glycogen and creatine phosphate stores, which you'll experience as muscle fatigue. If you're spending more than an hour training with weights, it's called aerobics. You should take only about a minute of rest between sets of the same exercise, and only 2-3 minutes of rest between exercises.
As for safety, exhaling and being careful about your knees, shoulders and back are the main considerations. Don't relax the kneecaps at the bottom of a squat or during leg extensions – keep them tight. Push from the heel during squats, and don't let the knees travel over the toes. Don't let your elbows go much lower than the bench on chest presses. The best way to protect your back is to generally to keep your abs tight and the spine relatively straight (natural curvatures intact). Never lift and twist at the same time. Don't hold your breath while lifting. Exhale on the concentric movement – or your head will pop off (it ain't pretty).
Resistance also means working against the weight of your own body. Part of being strong is the ability to push and pull your own weight. So do include exercises like push-ups, pull-ups (even if you can only hang from the bar initially), and dips in your routine.
Women who do resistance training don't "bulk up." Muscle is far more compact than fat. In females, resistance training makes the muscles toned, longer, and shapely - not bulky - and significantly reduces the risk of osteoporosis. When conducted at a proper level, this type of training can also cause major increases in the strength of older individuals.

5) Water, water, water

This aspect of physique transformation is truly overlooked, in my opinion. Look at a whole cantaloupe and two plums. Now look at four little sugar-free cookies. Both choices have the same number of calories.
Look at a huge bowl of salad including lettuce, tomatoes, green peppers, cucumbers carrots, celery, and fat-free dressing (for Pete's sake, not Caesar!!). Now look at a small buttered dinner roll. Both have the same number of calories.
Look at two hearty bowls of Cambell's Chunky soup (say, cheese tortellini with chicken and vegetables) or Campbell 's Select soup (say, roasted chicken with long grain & wild rice), each made with about a half can of water to add volume. Now look at a small snack-size bag of potato chips. Again, both have the same number of calories.
The fact is that you can have a great, filling, healthful nutrition plan with a very limited calorie budget, so long as you choose to include a lot of foods that naturally have water and fiber content. Don't underestimate the power of whole fruits, salads, meal replacement shakes, and water-based (not oily or cream-based) soups as components of a successful weight loss plan! Making a pot of decaf green tea in the evening is also a good idea, and will help to avoid the impulse to snack.
Whatever else you drink, adequate water intake is also important to support your metabolism. There is no exact figure, but 8-12 glasses a day of clear, plain water is widely agreed upon (more if you tend to lose a lot of water due to perspiration or hot weather).

6) Four to six limited, balanced “fuelings” a day

With regard to what you eat, the key to fitness is balanced nutrition and stable blood sugar. Balanced nutrition means eating protein (preferably between 0.5 and 1 gram per pound of target body weight daily), "clean" carbohydrates, and yes, even some fat.
A good rule of thumb for fat loss is to multiply your target weight by 9-11 calories per pound daily. Few people will get good fat loss results on less than 8 or more than 12 daily calories per pound of target weight. If you're regularly training with weights and want muscle gain without any fat loss at all, a target of 15-17 calories a day is about right. And yes, it is possible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time (nothing prevents anabolic and catabolic processes to take place in different cells of the same body).
Be careful about which foods you eat, and how much, in order to fuel your metabolism, promote muscle strength, and maximize fat burning. Ideally, you should eat 5-6 relatively small meals a day. A meal means a limited portion of lean protein (not always meat - egg protein, whey, soy protein and cottage cheese are all great lower-fat alternatives) and a portion of “low-glycemic” carbohydrates (these are generally attached to fiber, so they don't spike your blood sugar, and include oatmeal, whole grains, and whole fruit, as opposed to highly processed carbs like white flour, white rice, and juice). Including fibrous vegetables will also help your digestion, particularly if you're using meal-replacement shakes frequently.
As a side note, the kernel of truth in the Atkins diet is that it's very hard to lose fat if you regularly spike your blood sugar. The danger in the Atkins diet (aside from the dietary fat) is that carbohydrate restriction causes muscle loss and dehydration (which people are very glad to see if they only focus on the scale instead of the source of the weight loss). Choose low glycemic carbs, and you get the best of both worlds – stable blood sugar without compromising muscle tissue.
I'm not talking about multi-course meals, and you really shouldn't be eating more than a little bit of "maintenance food" within about 3-4 hours before bedtime, so this isn't a license to snack either. The goal is to keep a constant nutrient stream and stable blood sugar throughout the day. This kind of nutrition plan maximizes both muscle recovery and fat loss. Again, if your main goal is fat loss, you have to frequently remind yourself that balanced, frequent meals will not help you unless they're also carefully limited in size 
Since the word "meal" frequently makes people think of a large plate of food, or several courses, I'm going to call these things fuelings rather than meals. It helps to have at least a couple of these as "structured" nutrition like protein shakes or bars. For the rest, shoot for a limited portion of protein, a limited portion of carbohydrate (either grain-based, fruit, or starchy vegetables like potato), and in at least some of your fuelings, some simply prepared, non-starchy vegetables.
How much is a “limited portion?” If you cup one hand completely over the other, the correct amount of protein or carbohydrate (e.g. chicken, tuna, dry brown rice before steaming, dry oatmeal before boiling) will fit completely inside. A flat portion of lean meat might be about the size and thickness of a deck of cards. That amount of protein, a similar amount of carbohydrate, and a serving of fresh or steamed “water vegetables” (broccoli, spinach, carrots, zucchini, cucumber, lettuce – no oils, fatty dressings or sauces) will make a great fueling.
Don't get crazy with all this. The main idea is to stick with low glycemic carbs, limit fat, carefully monitor portion size and include a lot of water, both as a beverage and within the food itself. You can lose fat without being hungry if you do that. It works!

7) Proper nutritional support and supplements

If you're doing resistance training, you should be taking 1000-2000 mg of vitamin C daily, and preferably following your workouts with about a gram of the amino acid leucine. Whey protein is about 10-20% leucine, so even a few grams of whey will do the trick. You can improve muscle growth and retention by taking even a small amount of whey protein or leucine immediately after workouts. It is also available in free-form (I use the Source Naturals brand from - it doesn't mix well in water, but you can blend it into shakes). Leucine is important in muscle synthesis. Also, heavy aerobic activity can also cause the body to metabolize leucine. The supplement HMB is also a leucine metabolite, and helps muscle retention. But you don't have to get fancy. Just try to follow your workouts with at least something containing "branched chain amino acids." Whey protein is a great choice.
A number of studies have emphasized the role of calcium, particularly dairy calcium, in promoting fat loss and muscle retention. So if possible, include a couple of servings of skim milk or Light & Fit (low fat, no added sugar) yogurt in your plan. The sugar that you see listed in dairy products is lactose, which is fine in moderation. If you're lactose intolerant, take a calcium supplement like Citracal. 
If you're looking for specific supplements for resistance training and muscle gain, creatine and glutamine are useful as well. More on these in the nutrition section.

8) Intentional caloric deficits

If you're after fat loss, your success is not determined by how many calories you burn, nor how few calories you take in. Your fat loss is determined by the difference between these two. This difference is called the caloric deficit (or caloric surplus if you're taking in more than you burn). Hands down, the main reason people fail to lose fat on a workout program is that they lose sight of the deficit. They focus, for instance, on increasing their workouts. But then they let their meals creep up in size. They think that because they're eating "good" food, they don't need to monitor how much. And in a single binge day, they often blow a good 2 or 3 days of accumulated deficits. Focus on the deficit, not intake or output.
Again, this is crucial. If you want to lose fat, you have to burn more calories than you take in, day after day after day. Aerobic activity, interval training, building muscle, and other exercise will help you to burn calories. Focusing on limited portions and water-based, low-glycemic foods will help you to limit your intake while keeping your blood sugar stable. If you let either of these slip, you'll waste your time. If you keep your activity up and your intake down, you'll get fast results.
Think you're good at counting calories? Scientific fact: most people aren't, so you'd better read labels, use measuring cups at least in the beginning, avoid snacking, and the whole nine yards. Measure your portions in some way, or they'll creep up over time.
Again, a good rule of thumb for fat loss is to multiply your target weight by 9-11 calories per pound daily. Few people will get good fat loss results on less than 8 or more than 12 daily calories per pound of target weight. If you're eating far too few calories, you will lose weight. It's just that part of that will be muscle mass and water, and you'll slow your thyroid. If you're not losing weight on the scale, you're either eating enough (and building muscle) or too much (and not losing fat).
Small errors matter, especially if you repeat them day after day. To lose fat, you absolutely must say “no!” to small snacks, instead of “aw, what the heck.” Get tough about portion size. Realize that an extra 20 minutes of aerobics is completely wiped out by a couple hundred calories of unplanned or excessive eating. When you're tempted to eat that extra snack at night, realize that you may be wiping out the entire days' deficit. If you must, grab an apple – not “dry” carbs (pretzels, crackers, chips) or fats. When you're tempted to binge on an off-day well after you're full, you may be wiping out days of progress. Be careful, and grab a pear.

9) Basic records and specific goals

In order to stay on track, you're going to do just a little bit of record-keeping, to make sure that you're constantly moving toward a higher "personal best", and to keep track of exactly what you're eating.

Important: to lose fat, you absolutely must follow a written daily nutrition plan that takes in fewer calories per day than you burn, and that keeps your blood sugar stable throughout the day. 

You can get great results without being hungry or endangering muscle - even on fairly few calories - if you take those calories in through small, regular, high quality portions that don't spike or exhaust your blood sugar. If you don't do the nutrition right, it will not matter how much or how effectively you exercise. Please, please take this point seriously. The key to fat loss is burning more calories than you take in, day after day after day, and keeping your blood sugar stable. If you lose sight of these basic truths, you'll waste a lot of time.
If you can't remember exactly what and how much you ate yesterday, and you don't know exactly what and how much you'll eat tomorrow, your nutrition is not sufficiently planned. Even you're not good at monitoring calories, you should also write down exactly what you eat, as soon as you actually eat it (even those two grapes). That's a great way to prevent random snacking, and you can also analyze how well your progress matches your plans. I like a simple 3 x 5 card.
Proper exercise sessions are not simply "workouts" - they are training sessions. Your goal is to reach for a new personal best. Your willingness to reach for progressive improvement is what drives your body to adapt. Even adding a few extra pounds or a couple of extra reps in your final set are enough. You may or may not hit a new personal best in every workout, but even the attempt will move you forward. For the best results, you really have to maintain a daily workout routine, alternating between weight and aerobic workouts. If you give your body too much time to rest and recover, the pressure to adapt is lost. If you try to do a fitness program half-way, you won't get half the results - and you may get next to nothing.
As Zig Ziglar advises, you have to decide whether you're going to be a “wandering generality” or a “meaningful specific.” In order to reach your goal, you need to have a goal. Write down inspiring and specific details about how you want to look in 12 or 15 weeks. Anticipate difficulties and commit in advance to stick with your plan even if you briefly get off track. You should even set short-term objectives that answer questions like "What is my goal for this workout?" Always have a purpose.
As Body-for-LIFE author Bill Phillips writes, it's crucial to know your reasons for getting in shape. It will be easier to stay on track if you write down very clearly exactly why you want to get fit, and remind yourself of those reasons often.

10) Adequate rest

If you try to transform your physique while depriving yourself of sleep, you're working against yourself. Sleep deprivation causes significant imbalances in several hormones – cortisol, ghrelin, and leptin (see “Your Raging Metabolism”) – and will increase your appetite for junk carbohydrates, reduce your metabolic activity during waking hours, and get in the way of muscle growth. Ideally, find a way to get 8 and preferably 9 hours of sleep a night during the main "transformation" part of your program.
Poor sleep habits will lower the amount of energy you burn each day without you ever being aware of it. Even strolling around or light activity like playing the piano burns 50 or 60 calories more per hour than just sitting. You actually burn more calories sleeping than watching TV. If you're sleep deprived, you'll do a lot of sitting and TV watching. Your brain also burns about 20% of your total calories a day. Miss a lot of sleep, and you'll reduce that activity too because you'll be less alert.
Physically, most of the changes happen while you sleep. If you don't rest, you don't change. Repeated lack of rest will also tempt you to miss workouts, bonk your energy, and interfere with hormones that regulate muscle growth, metabolism and appetite.
If you're too stressed-out to sleep, do this. Close your eyes, and concentrate on your breath. Breathe in, and breathe out. If thoughts come into your mind, don't try to get rid of them. Just observe the thoughts, label them casually as “thinking,” and come back to your breath. Thinking isn't a problem or a failure – just come back to your breath. Be gentle with yourself. Tighten and then relax every muscle in your body, progressing from your feet, to your legs, back, chest, shoulders, arms, neck, and face (particularly the jaw). You'll get sleep-like benefits from that.
If you're still having trouble sleeping, apply “deep pressure” to your leg muscles – knead them slowly, like dough. The pressure receptors in the muscles seem to encourage relaxation. Failing that, melatonin is a natural alternative to sleeping pills.

One more time
Here are the ten keys to emphasize:
1) Aerobic exercise (3-4 x weekly, 20-40 minutes each depending on intensity)
2) Cross-training
3) Interval training (no gasping allowed!)
4) Resistance training (with proper post-workout nutrition and recovery), 2-3 x weekly, 45-60 minutes each depending on intensity.
5) Water, water water – both within the food you eat and as your primary beverage
6) Four to six limited, balanced “fuelings” a day, containing adequate protein intake and low-glycemic carbohydrates (to stabilize your blood sugar)
7) Proper nutritional support and supplements
8) Intentional caloric deficits
9) Basic records and specific goals
10) Adequate rest
I know, I know, all of this advice means that you'll need some discipline. But you've got to understand that your body is the way it is right now because that's how it has adapted to the lifestyle you're living. If you want to change your body, you've also got to change that lifestyle by finding more constructive ways to adapt to your circumstances.
If there's one thing that will create fast fitness and a major physique transformation, it is to follow a complete and integrated program. As Shawn Phillips (author of ABSolution) says, “the one thing is everything.” You won't get fit by exercising more if you're ignoring nutrition. You won't get fit by dieting if you're skipping workouts. Don't look for a single trick or technique to be the magic answer, but taken together, the ten elements above will create the right environment for fast results.

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Take Your Fitness Level Up A Notch

Do you know what your anaerobic threshold is? Do you care? You should — the higher your anaerobic threshold, the longer, harder and faster you can exercise aerobically before your muscles cry "uncle."
When you exercise, your body uses two primary energy sources: fat and carbohydrates. When you exercise at an easy level (i.e., a long, slow jog), there's no rush to supply energy, so your body can take the time to metabolize fats. However, during vigorous exercise (say, one to three miles of high-speed running), your body uses more carbohydrates because they are easier to "grab" and put to use for energy than fat.
The anaerobic threshold (AT) is that level of intensity where carbohydrates take over as the major supplier of energy. It's also the point where the oxygen supply to your muscles starts to dwindle. The result is a buildup of lactic acid — that's why it's also called the lactate threshold.
As you know from your own experience, excess levels of lactic acid inhibit muscle contraction and cause a feeling of heaviness, fatigue, and possibly even cramping. This is what you might call "hitting the wall."

calculate your threshold

To improve your performance, you want your AT to be as high as possible. If you gauge it by your heart rate, which is an excellent measure of intensity, the AT typically occurs at around 75% to 80% of your maximum heart rate. (To determine your maximum heart rate in beats per minute, subtract your age from 220.)
If you're 30 years old, for example, your maximum heart rate may be 190 and your AT is likely around 143 to 152 beats per minute. (If you really want to keep track of your workout intensity and your AT, use a heart rate monitor or go to a sports medicine clinic where they can scientifically pinpoint both your max heart rate and AT.)

Aim high

To improve your AT, you should exercise at or slightly above your threshold level for a minimum of 20 minutes, about three times a week in the beginning. After three to four weeks, you can go to twice a week. With the proper training, you can push your AT to 85% or higher. A well-trained athlete can approach 94% to 95% of maximum.


How Much, How Often
Build up your endurance gradually, starting out with as little as 5 minutes of endurance activities at a time, if you need to. Starting out at a lower level of effort and working your way up gradually is especially important if you have been inactive for a long time. It may take months to go from a very long-standing sedentary lifestyle to doing some of the activities suggested in this section. Your goal is to work your way up, eventually, to a moderate- to-vigorous level that increases your breathing and heart rate. It should feel somewhat hard to you.
Once you reach your goal, you can divide your exercise into sessions of no less than 10 minutes at a time, if you want to, as long as they add up to a total of at least 30 minutes at the end of the day. Doing less than 10 minutes at a time won't give you the desired cardiovascular and respiratory system benefits. (The exception to this guideline is when you have first made the decision to begin doing endurance activities, and you are just starting out). Your goal is to build up to a total of at least 30 minutes of endurance exercise on most or all days of the week. More often is better, and every day is best.
Endurance activities should not make you breathe so hard that you can't talk. They should not cause dizziness or chest pain. Do a little light activity before and after your endurance exercise session, to warm up and cool down (example: easy walking). Stretch after your endurance activities, when your muscles are warm. As you get older, your body may become less likely to trigger the urge to drink when you need water. In other words, you may need water, but you won't feel thirsty. Be sure to drink fluids when you are doing any activity that makes you lose fluid through sweat. The rule-of-thumb is that, by the time you notice you are thirsty, you are already some-what dehydrated (low on fluid). This guideline is important year-round, but is especially important in hot weather, when dehydration is more likely. If your doctor has asked you to limit your fluids, be sure to check with him or her before increasing the amount of fluid you drink while exercising. Congestive heart failure and kidney disease are examples of chronic diseases that often require fluid restriction.
Older adults can be affected by heat and cold more than other adults can. In extreme cases, exposure to too much heat can cause heat stroke, and exposure to very cold temperatures can lead to hypothermia (a dangerous drop in body temperature). If you are exercising outdoors, dress in layers so you can add or remove clothes as needed. Use safety equipment to prevent injuries. For example, wear a helmet for bicycling, and wear protective equipment for activities like skiing and skating. If you walk or jog, wear stable shoes made for that purpose.
When you are ready to progress, build up the amount of time you spend doing endurance activities first; then build up the difficulty of your activities later. Example: First, gradually increase your time to 30 minutes over several days to weeks (or even months, depending on your condition) by walking longer distances, then start walking up steeper hills or walking more briskly. Even very small changes in muscle size can make a big difference in strength, especially in people who already have lost a lot of muscle. An increase in muscle that's not even visible to the eye can be all it takes to improve your ability to do things like get up from a chair or climb stairs. Your muscles are active even when you are sleeping. Their cells are still doing the routine activities they need to do to stay alive. This work is called metabolism, and it uses up calories. That can help keep your weight in check, even when you are asleep!
Exercise Strength & Endurance Levels
We can't tell you exactly how many pounds to lift or how steep a hill you should climb to reach a moderate or vigorous level of exercise, because what is easy for one person might be strenuous for another. It's different for different people.
We can, however, provide some advice based on scientific research: Listen to your body. The level of effort you feel you are putting into an activity is likely to agree with what actual physical measurements would show, researchers have found. In other words, if your body tells you that the exercise you are doing is moderate, measurements of things like how hard your heart is working would probably show that it really is working at a moderate level. During moderate activity, for instance, you can sense that you are challenging yourself but that you aren't near your limit.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Why Is Physical Fitness Important?

We all know that being physically fit is good for us, but exactly why is physical fitness important?
why is physical fitness important
Here are the top 10 benefits of physical fitness:
1. You're more likely to live a long and healthy life.
Regular exercise reduces the risk of developing heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. It also reduces the risk of having a stroke. In one eight year study of more than 20,000 men, those who were lean but unfit had twice the risk of death as those who were lean and fit.
2. You'll have more energy, strength and stamina.
People who complain that they don't have enough energy to exercise fail to realize that working out gives you energy. In one study, middle-aged women who lifted weights for a year became 27% more active in daily life than before they started lifting weights. Regular exercise also increases your strength and stamina, allowing you to better handle common activities such as carrying a heavy bag of groceries or climbing a flight of stairs.
3. You'll keep excess body fat off.
If you try and lose weight simply by dieting, you'll lose some muscle along with any body fat you lose and you'll slow down your metabolism. If your weight loss program includes exercise, you'll lose body fat without losing muscle and without slowing down your metabolism. If you're currently at a healthy weight, regular exercise will help you avoid putting on excess body fat in the future.
4. You'll keep your bones strong.
Both men and women start losing bone mass around age 35. Lifting weights can not only stop the loss of bone mass, but in some cases it can even reverse it. This drastically reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Weight bearing exercises like walking and running also help keep bones strong.
5. You'll prevent or reduce low back pain.
Strengthening your abdominal and lower back muscles can help prevent low back pain, and it can also reduce discomfort if you already suffer from this pain. You might also be able to avoid back surgery by strengthening your abdominal and lower back muscles. In one study, 35 of 38 people who had been recommended for back surgery were able to avoid surgery by following an aggressive strengthening program.
6. You'll keep your mind sharp.
Multiple studies have confirmed that regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your mind. Regular exercise improves brain function, which helps prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
7. You'll improve your mood.
A large amount of research shows that you have a better sense of well-being following a workout. Thanks to chemicals released in the brain during exercise, feelings of depression, anxiety, stress and anger are diminished during a workout.
8. You'll get sick less often.
Both aerobic exercise and weight lifting strengthen the immune system. The stronger your immune system, the less often you'll get sick.
9. You'll sleep better.
People who exercise regularly fall asleep faster and wake up less often during the night than people who are sedentary.
10. You'll enjoy life more.
Life is much more enjoyable when you're fit and healthy. You look good and you feel good, and you're more productive in everything you do.
Why is physical fitness important? Because many common health problems are the result of a sedentary lifestyle and they can be minimized or prevented by improving your physical fitness.

Fitting Healthy Habits Into Your Hectic Life


There just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to accomplish everything you need to do. And it can feel like an added stressor when you are trying to integrate healthy habits into your already hectic schedule. But if you make time for healthy habits, you’ll find yourself with extra reserves of energy that will lower your stress and help you get through life’s challenges.

Here are a few things you can start doing right now to make healthy habits a relatively painless part of your routine:

1. Drink water throughout the day. You don’t hear this nearly enough: water is an all-purpose wonder-substance. It’s great for your skin, your digestive system, and circulatory system, and aids in weight loss and cellulite reduction. If you feel fatigued during the day, it’s often because you aren’t hydrated properly. Drink water throughout the day, sipping from a large bottle or glass. If you have it nearby, it’s easy to remember. If you don’t like the “taste” of water, keep a supply of lemon so that you can add a slice to your water – it cuts any bitterness, adds a bit of vitamin C and makes it taste more festive!

2. Cut back on the amount of soda and coffee you drink. Sugar and caffeine dehydrate you and create energy rushes followed by crashes, which are ultimately energy-depleting. Substitute with drinks like green tea or 100% fruit juice.

3. Replace high-sugar foods with low-sugar versions. Cutting back on the amount of refined sugar you consume helps reduce calories and weight gain and also helps you avoid the energy slumps that come from sugar withdrawal. Items high in refined sugar include most soft drinks, cereals, baked goods, and of course, candy and ice cream. Look for low-sugar or no-sugar versions of these, or simply opt for healthy snacks instead.

4. Stock up on healthy, portable snacks. When you are grocery shopping, pick up bags of baby carrots, string cheese, nuts, fresh and dried fruit, single serving packs of applesauce, yogurt, wholegrain crackers, peanut butter, turkey jerky, etc. Having healthy portable snacks around will help you avoid bad vending-machine, convenience store and fast-food options. Read some more portable snack ideas.

5. Take the time to plan healthy meals for the week. Spend 15 minutes or so to map out your meals. Keep it simple. Then, when you shop for groceries, make your purchases based on the meals you will make during the week. This will help you avoid relying on less healthy take-out or fast food choices.

Learn more at:

10 Essential Food and Fitness Habits

1- Cravings are not always psychological - Sometimes we crave things because our body wants a certain nutrient. Take for example a sugar craving, it is probably your body asking for some fruit as it knows on a deep level that it is full of vitamins and minerals. Cravings can also be down to faulty eating habits – Like being programmed to want dessert after dinner every night, this is up to you to break and choose a better option.
2- Exercising cannot make up for bad eating - You cannot out run or out exercise a bad diet. Something you can eat in 5 bites could have enough calories to take a 40 minute run to burn off….. The video below sais it all.
3- We need calories - Dieting for any prolonged period can take its toll on your body, hair gets dry, mood plummets, we feel cold, sex drive disappears and we just feel bad. The truth is we need sufficient calories to function, basically we need enough food. This will keep our metabolism high and our hormones flowing. I highly recommend this free e-book if you have struggled with adopting this mindset and need more information on amping up your diet.
4- Looking and feeling good is mainly nutrition - Well at least 70-80% nutrition the rest comes from keeping active and having a healthy social life. Poor nutrition can make us feel terrible, the problem is sometimes we do not realise how bad we feel until we start to feel better. Good solid nutrition is the linchpin on which you should base your health…..
5- Strength training is essential - A solid strength training workout every couple of days is enough to capture the benefits. This could be a body weight circuit, plyometricsor some weight training in the gym, it is up to you. Stretching should be the foundation with additional strength training to supplement, stretching can go a long way to improve protein synthesis as well as depleting muscle glycogen and getting rid of fat stores. This combination will increase your metabolism and improve your bone density, plus you will look a lot better…..
6- Movement is essential - The healthiest people are those who move, this doesn’t have to mean sport and regular “exercise” but just moving. Things likewalkingbiking around or gardening, anything that will get you up and about which will signal your body that you are a healthy active person…..
7- Food is best unprocessed and in its natural state - Think wholefoodsrather than a specific style of eating. So long as what you eat is unprocessed and in its original form you cannot go far wrong. Eat more fresh and local produce when you can…..
8- From time to time break the rules - We cannot stick to a perfect diet all the time. In fact it is good to sway from eating “healthy” every now and then firstly for our sanity and secondly because it can also work in boosting leptin and keeping your metabolism healthy. So sometimes just eat whatever you like…..
9- Spend time with people you like - Health and Fitness is not all eating healthy and working out, having a good social life is also hugely important. Surround yourself with people who you like and feel comfortable around.
A good friend is a connection to life – a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world. - Lois Wys
This also counts with family, the stronger the social support network you have the better. This does not always mean quantity, usually it is better to have 1-2 close friends than a pool of distant one’s……
10- Listen to your body - With age I think we all eventually learn to listen to our bodies. You will probably start to pickup on little things that make you feel better, whether it is eating a certain type of food, getting 7 hours sleep or working out at a specific time of day. Just be patient and try to read your bodies signals of what feels right.
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